William Shakespeare

Globe: Henry V

Globe: Генрих V

Shakespeare’s masterpiece of the turbulence of war and the arts of peace tells the romantic story of Henry’s campaign to recapture the English possessions in France. But the ambitions of this charismatic king are challenged by a host of vivid characters caught up in the real horrors of war.




2 hours 54 minutes with one intermission

Act 1

79 min


10 min

Act 2

86 min



Can be interesting for you


The legendary musical based on Veniamin Kaverin's novel "Two Captains."

23 February, Sunday

15:00 CINEMA PARK Zelenopark

Language: Russian, no subtitles

Mourad Merzouki: Zéphyr

25 February, Tuesday

19:30 KARO 4 Iridium

Language: None, no subtitles

Paul I

27 February, Thursday

19:00 KARO 4 Iridium

Language: Russian, no subtitles

The Good Person of Szechwan

11 March, Tuesday

19:00 KARO 4 Iridium

Language: Russian, no subtitles